How to Purchase a Printed Copy of the Book

Our full colour, 670 page 12 chapter Book, Software Defined Radio using MATLAB & Simulink and the RTL-SDR is now available to purchase from a number of retailers who ship worldwide, namely Amazon and the Book Depository. Local retailers are also stocking the book, and a list of these for various countries can be found here. The suggested list prices for the hardback and softback editions are as follows:


Purchase a USB card with a copy of the Book and Support Files

In addition to the printed versions of the book, we will also shortly begin selling branded 8GB USB cards that contain a copy of the Book, and all of the MATLAB and Simulink Support Files that can be downloaded from this site. Some of you have contacted us to inform us that your internet connection is not up to downloading the material from our site, and we hope that these will be a suitable alternative. The card is $21.95 (USD) plus postage & packing. Contact us if you would be interested in purchasing one.